Saturday 28 September 2013

The people who the Project has touched and our supporters.

As we have been saying that we truly appreciate your support, but so do the people using the vouchers. 

This afternoon, Sharon and I were in Aroma Cafe with some friends. She went to check with Mr. Akbar regarding the vouchers that has been used but on the way saw a couple who were looking a bit uncertain. She approached them and found out they were trying to exchange the vouchers for food. (Though she didn't tell me afterwards, I am guessing this would be their first time claiming the vouchers.)

So she took them downstairs to the Mosque Kitchen so that they could actually see the variety of food and make their choices. She later told our friends and I that they seemed happy and appreciative when she revealed that she was one of the organisers of Meal on Me voucher scheme.

And earlier, we had feedback from Bethany Trust, one of our partners.  They have given the vouchers to some of their clients who had given positive feedback.  It was heartening to hear how one family is using the vouchers as a reward for their kids' good behaviour. Or that another used it when he was struggling with money for food.

But while we are organising, the project would not be able touch these people's life without you, our donors and supporters. So from the bottom of our hearts, we thank you.

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